Let’s get out and ride our bikes…to the Moon! ?? The distance from the Earth to the Moon is an average of 240,000 miles. We, as a community, can bike to the Moon. Bike around your neighborhood, on a bike path, or even around your yard if there’s room! Do laps, calculate your distances, and enter them below. Track your ride with your favorite fitness tracker and upload that, share pictures, and tell us about something you saw. Together we can combine our miles to bike to the Moon! Kids, adults, families, everyone is welcome to join.
Be safe, keep safe distances according to your local recommendations, and have fun! Let’s see if we can do this by the end of Summer 2020!
If you want to make donations to someone somewhere, donate to your local hospital, urgent care, other health care providers, schools, libraries, etc. There are lots of entities out there that need the support.
Enter your ride details below.
We will not use your email or information for any purpose other than calculating our total miles for this project.